Equality Celebration Sale!

Oh, Happy Day! In celebration of today’s SCOTUS decision upholding marriage equality across the nation, we are pleased to offer a 15% discount on all rainbow-themed equality collars and leashes. Use Coupon Code: scotus [tm_list] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]Matching Leashes Also Available[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]Mix or Match collars and leashes.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]Free Shipping on all…

Frozen Summer Treats

Here’s a great summer treat recipe for your pups that’s quick and easy to make, and your pets will love them. Preparation only takes a few minutes, and you probably already have the ingredients in your house! Frozen Peanut Butter Yogurt Dog Treats The perfect snack to cool your pet down after a vigorous play…


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