Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics

Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics [tm_list] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]A healthy immune system requires a healthy digestive tract.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]Probiotics are a key component in healthy digestion.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]These beneficial bacteria are known to improve the overall immune system in dogs by limiting the amount of negative…

Sadie has Cancer

Those are the three words I hoped to never share. You’ll see this all started about 6-8 weeks ago with ‘digestion issues’. A simple case of diarrhea led to multiple tests, different diets and medications, and here is where we are.. So we finally progressed to seeing a specialist who could do a bigger and…

The Bland Diet

Everyone who has had a dog knows they will, from time to time, eat something they shouldn’t. When they do, they will suffer through various levels of illness. Most common is diarrhea. Basically, a bunch of bad bacteria takes over the digestive system and food and water doesn’t get properly processed and absorbed. Whenever your…

The Puppy Protection Pack

Got a new dog? Want to make sure you give her the best, safest, healthiest and happiest life possible? Great! You’re our kind of dog companion and we’d like to help. We’ve put together the Puppy Protection Pack to get you started. The best part is it is completely FREE! The Free Puppy Protection Pack…