Sadie has Cancer

Those are the three words I hoped to never share. You’ll see this all started about 6-8 weeks ago with ‘digestion issues’. A simple case of diarrhea led to multiple tests, different diets and medications, and here is where we are.. So we finally progressed to seeing a specialist who could do a bigger and…


Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics

Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics [tm_list] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]A healthy immune system requires a healthy digestive tract.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]Probiotics are a key component in healthy digestion.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]These beneficial bacteria are known to improve the overall immune system in dogs by limiting the amount of negative…
