Human Foods That Are Bad For Dogs

Dogs love to eat whatever we have, and with those cute puppy eyes and longing stares it is hard to resist them. When that treat, however, turns out to be harmful, you can truly show your dog you love them by NOT sharing. [tm_list] [list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” color=”696868″]Xylitol – An artificial sweetener most commonly used in…

How a Dog Makes You Healthier

There have been lots of studies and reports over the years about how having a dog can make you healthier. For us, the obvious health improvement is the fact they get us out just about every day for a walk, whether we want to do it or not. We may struggle with getting to the…

Halloween Pet Costumes

Let’s face it, for years now the Halloween holiday has been more fun for more adults than most children. Sure it’s great to see little kids dressed as fairies, pirates, and super heroes. They really are cute. But why should we stop there? Dressing up pets in costume, and dogs especially, is now part of…