Sadie has Cancer

Those are the three words I hoped to never share. You’ll see this all started about 6-8 weeks ago with ‘digestion issues’. A simple case of diarrhea led to multiple tests, different diets and medications, and here is where we are.. So we finally progressed to seeing a specialist who could do a bigger and…

Run Through The Weeds

Growing up, we simply called them fox tails. I’m not sure what type of grass, plant, or weed they actually are (a friend guessed some sort of wild rye), but if the little barbs from the tips of these grasses get under your dogs fur (and they quickly and easily do), they are known to…

Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics

Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics Probiotics for Dogs – The Basics [tm_list] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]A healthy immune system requires a healthy digestive tract.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]Probiotics are a key component in healthy digestion.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-paw” color=”696868″]These beneficial bacteria are known to improve the overall immune system in dogs by limiting the amount of negative…

Pet Food Trends for 2017

It’s no surprise that the education and awareness of healthy eating for humans has spread into the pet food market. More and more pet owners treat their dogs and cats like family and want to give them only the best available. Pet owners know that many of the top brands we’ve all known for decades,…

Old Commands, New Uses

Every dog should be taught the basic commands for obedience. And even as I write that last word, obedience, I cringe a bit. My goal has never been to rule my dog, but to teach them proper manners and appropriate behavior. Most importantly, however, is these ‘obedience’ commands are essential to the safety and security…